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Recreational use of a drone does not require registration with the Federal Aviation Administration (“FAA”) if the drone weighs under .55 pounds (8.8 ounces/246.4 grams). However, you must register your drone with the FAA if your drone weigh more than .55 pounds and under 55 pounds, unless your drone qualifies under the Special Rule for Model Aircraft.
FAA Safety Guidelines
Fly at or below 400 feet.
Be aware of airspace requirements and restrictions in your area.
Stay away from surrounding obstacles.
Keep your drone within eyesight without the use of any site augmenting device, such as binoculars.
Do not fly over groups of people.
Do not fly near other aircraft or airports.
Do not fly over stadiums or sporting events.
Do not fly near emergency response incidents.
Do not fly under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
Special Rule for Model Aircraft: P.L. 112-95, Section 336
The drone must be flown exclusively for recreational purposes,
The operation of the drone must conform to a “community-based set of safety regulations and within the programming of a nationwide community-based organization,” and
The drone must weigh less than 55 pounds.
Registering your drone costs $5.00 and the registration is valid for 3 years. You must register your drone with the FAA through their online registration system found at
In order to register a drone you must be:
13 years of age or older (if the owner is under 13, a person who is 13 or older must register the drone).
A citizen of the United States or United States Legal Permanent Resident.
Visiting foreign nationals must register their drone upon arrival in the United States.
Register your drone with the FAA,
Label the drone with your registration number the FAA issues to you, and
Read and understand all safety guidelines for the operation of a drone.
District of Columbia Special Restrictions
The District of Columbia is subject to the Special Flight Rules Area (SFRA) which states that any drone use is prohibited within a fifteen (15) mile radius of Ronald Reagan International Airport, unless you have been given specific authorization by the FAA.
Additionally, flying a drone outside of fifteen (15) mile radius but within a thirty (30) mile radius of Ronald Reagan International Airport is allowed only under the following conditions:
Drone must weigh less than 55 pounds.
Drone must be registered with the FAA and marked, unless exempt from registration under the Special Rule for Model Aircraft.
Drone must be flown below 400 feet.
Drone must be flown within visual line of sight.
Drone must be flown in clear and visible conditions.
Drone must never be flown near other aircraft.
Flying Your Drone Near Stadiums and Sporting Events
Flying your drone within 3 nautical miles (3.45 miles) of a stadium, ballpark or venue with seating capacity of 30,000 or more people is prohibited from one hour before the scheduled time of the event to one hour after the end of the event. However, a waiver can be filed with the FAA for use of a drone under these conditions.
Flying Your Drone Near Airports
Flying your drone recreationally within a five (5) mile radius of an airport is allowed if you give notice of the drone use to the airport operator and the air traffic controller, if the airport has an air traffic control tower.
However, it is important to note that flying your drone recreationally around major airports (Class B Airspace) is prohibited unless you receive specific air traffic permission and coordination.